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Ecosystem Services

​A focus on Environmental Services (ES) can provide both short-term gain—clean water, for example—and long-term gain, the preservation of the watershed that provides the water.

Ecosystem Services


EcoLogic understands that in order for communities to focus on conservation, their basic needs must be met.  We partner to generate income in ways that also build the capacity to oversee activity, monitor progress, and report on successful conservation efforts. 


Photo Credit: Warren Darrell

Culture and Traditional Knowledge

The knowledge possessed by rural and indigenous communities directly contributes to the protection and restoration of the remarkable biodiversity of tropical ecosystems in Central America and Mexico. 

Culture and Traditional Knowledge

Photo Credit: Isabel Carrio

Human Well-Being

Nature and biodiversity have many positive impacts on human well-being, from physical health to spirituality, having a sense of place, social and cultural rootedness, recreation, and learning.

Human Well-Being

Our Impact

We currently work directly with 8 local partners in Mesoamerica representing 382 communities over 404,914 hectares of biodiverse forests and tropical ecosystems. Our goal is to ensure that these communities have access to the knowledge, networks, incentives, and tools that they need to take the lead in conserving their environment.

Challenges We Face


Globally, deforestation and forest degradation continue to take place at alarming rates. Between 2001-2010, Latin America and the Caribbean region had an estimated net loss of 179,404 km2 of woody vegetation, caused by 541,835 km2 of deforestation.


Slash and Burn Agriculture

Today, with more people than ever trying to survive in the midst of dwindling natural resources, the impact of slash-and-burn is particularly destructive and unsustainable. It exacerbates destructive impacts on already-fragile ecosystems and contributes to climate change. 

Slash and Burn Agriculture

Photo Credit: Todd Shapera Photography

Climate Change

Approximately 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions result from agriculture, forestry, and other land-use change. Nature-based solutions to climate change can provide up to 37% of the emission reductions needed by 2030 to keep global temperature increases under 2℃--30% more than previously estimated.

Climate Change

Biodiversity Loss

Central America and southern Mexico, are a global “hotspot” for biodiversity. Central America alone makes up barely 0.1% of the world’s landmass, but is home to 7% of the world’s biological diversity. Yet this region is losing its remaining habitat, including forest, grasslands, mangroves, and freshwater bodies at one of the highest rates worldwide. 

Biodiversity Loss

Photo Credit: Daniel Elías Batz

Our Progress

Why It Matters

Support Our Work

Your gift allows us to work directly with local communities to conserve and restore forests in ways that support and improve local livelihoods. Your contributions are truly critical to our success. Join us!

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