I love working with these stoves! I love seeing the look on the owner’s faces immediately after we finish building the stove and we light it for the first time. They get so excited, we even put water to boil and make delicious coffee! It’s beautiful. To me, this makes me so happy!
-Meliza Nuñes Rosales, Maestra Fogonera

What We Do
With the project activities we seek:
Community-Led Forest Restoration: Maintaining and protecting 55,075 hectares of forest, through community protection and conservation actions.
Sustainable Agriculture and Healthy Homes: Reducing pressure on forests by implementing agroforestry plots and fuel-efficient stoves that address local livelihood needs and promote forest habitat protection.
Environmental Education: Promote forest protection through environmental education, using participatory teaching tools, aimed at local residents and schools.
Capacity-Building: Strengthen the governance of the communal forest through community service and the involvement of local actors.

Ethnic Groups:
Population Size:
Economic Activites:
Poverty Rate:
Project Area:
Endangered Species:
Agriculture, cattle, and silviculture
55,075 hectares
Central American Pine-Oak Forest, Central American Dry Forest
Jaguars, white-tailed deer, Emerald hummingbird
Key Facts


AJAASSPIB was founded with assistance from EcoLogic and the Foundation for Pico Bonito National Park (FUPNAPIB). AJAASSPIB sets up and maintains volunteer-run water councils in each member village. These water councils collect monthly fees from community members in exchange for providing clean water piped to their homes, as well as the additional benefits of a regenerating forest and protected watershed.
Communities Organizing for Watersheds
The goal of this project is to conserve forest in a critical watershed in the southern part of Pico Bonito National Park by empowering local water resource management committees as leaders. Pico Bonito National Park (PBNP) and its surrounding areas provide a unique and critical haven for many threatened species. The area is home to as many as six distinct forest types, including Central American pine-oak forest. Three principal migratory routes used by as many as 225 bird species converge over these forests. At the same time, these forests provide local inhabitants with clean water, fuel, and protection from natural disasters, as well as economic opportunities via ecotourism, including bird watching.